Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 14th Euro Obesity and Endocrinology Congress London, UK.

Day 2 :

Keynote Forum

Marjo-Riitta Järvelin

Imperial College London, UK

Keynote: Challenging life course approaches and their implications: New research concepts

Time : 10:00 to 10:40

Conference Series Euro Obesity 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Marjo-Riitta Järvelin photo

   Marjo-Riitta Järvelin, MD, MSc, PhD, FFPM, is Professor and Chair in Lifecourse Epidemiology at Imperial College London (IC), UK, also holding a visiting professorship at Brunel University London, UK and a part-time professorship at the University of Oulu, Finland. She has been running large-scale population-based studies for over 25 years, working on the genetic and early life environmental origins of multi-factorial diseases and disorders. She is a Scientific Director of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC) research program and has an active role in research training as Director of Postgraduate Studies at School of Public Health, IC. Professor Järvelin has published over 700 original papers. She has been nominated on several prestigious visiting and collaboration awards, has received an award of Excellence in Genetic Epidemiology at Imperial College London, been honoured by the title, Epidemiologist of the Year in Finland and invited to join the Finnish Academy of Sciences.


Over the last few years there has been increasing interest in (genetic) epidemiology conceptualizing disease aetiology within a life-course framework. We can define a life course approach to disease as the study of long-term effects on disease risk of physical and social exposures during gestation, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood and later adult life. This approach is illustrated in conventionally, chronic disease cohort studies recruit subjects in mid-life and follow them up for future disease end-points. Even when baseline measures include early life exposures, such as childhood socioeconomic position, these would usually be entered into a multivariable model without much attention to the temporal relationships, contrary to what Fig. 1 demonstrates. In the Dyna HEALTH H2020 program (, we have set out to explore a composite of biological and psycho-social factors that may predict premature ageing associated with metabolic adversities such as obesity from early life onward. The analyses support a strong interplay of metabolic and psychosocial factors in establishing risk of premature ageing. Although the bio-psycho-social model was introduced 40 years ago by Engel and acclaimed by the scientific community, it has yet to be successfully operationalized into research approaches and routine practice. The methodological challenge is to explore in-depth the life-long psycho-social wellbeing by taking into account metabolic measures, heritability, temporal relationships, interactions and causality, and how direct biological markers may be used as more “objective measures” of the impact of the environment on health. Statistical methods developed for life course studies are required to enhance the understanding of the aetiologias of the risk factors for more effective prevention and treatment. DynaHEALTH includes the potential to exploit the results for new technologies and strategies, adding to our understanding of the pathways related to healthy and active ageing, underpinning options for targeted, personalized healthcare. Understanding the Dynamic determinants of glucose homeostasis and psychosocial capability to promote Healthy and active ageing.

Keynote Forum

Mircea Onofriescu

University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T.Popa” Iasi, Romania

Keynote: Obesity in obstetrics

Time : 10:40 to 11:20

Conference Series Euro Obesity 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Mircea Onofriescu photo

Mircea Onofriescu is a Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T. Popa", Iasi and Head of Department Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital “Cuza-Vodă”, Iasi. He has an MD, PhD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gestational Diabetes and Maternal-Fetal Influences. Ability in Materno-Fetal Medicine, Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy in Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization. He is the President of the Romanian Society Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Romanian Society Reproductive Medicine. He is a Member of 10 international scientific associations and 12 Romanian scientific associations. He has experience in clinical trials, which include two international studies and six national grants. He has published 15 books as an Author and Co-Author.


With approximately one in five women presenting as obese or with overweight, obesity is one of the greatest challenges to maternity services in both developed countries and those in development. Obesity during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of overweight children; overweight children being more likely to become overweight or obese adults. The etiology of obesity is multifactorial, one involving genetics, environmental, socioeconomic and behavioral factors. Identification of risk factors, especially those that can be modified, gives us epidemiological tools for planning intervention measures with positive impact on public health. Evidence suggests that maternal obesity is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy, labor and delivery outcomes and increased health care service utilization at birth, with increased costs. Overweight and obesity in pregnancy are associated to antepartum stillbirth, large-for-gestational-age with shoulder dystocia, meconium aspiration, diabetes, hypertension, low Apgar scores, congenital anomalies, birth asphyxia and neonatal hypoglycemia. Increased maternal body mass index before conception influences fetal intrauterine growth and their weight, labor and delivery outcomes. There is an association between BMI and the risk of pregnancy complications, active management in labor and at delivery, including labor induction and surgical delivery. Maternal overweight and obesity are associated with increased risks, both for the mother and for the fetus and later newborn, but they are preventable risks. Prenatal care in women with excess weight needs to be individualized to lower the risks, to improve maternal and fetal outcomes and to reduce healthcare services costs.

Conference Series Euro Obesity 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Francois J Roman photo

François J Roman holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Paris VI, France. He has co-founded Amylgen in 2009. Previously, he served as the VP of R&D at Euroscreen, Belgium from 2004. Prior to this position, he had held various Drug Discovery management positions at Pfizer PGRD France, Parke-Davis France, Jouveinal Laboratoires, and Laboratoires Servier, where he started his career in 1977. He has more than 40 publications and 35 patents.



Objective: A number of encouraging research studies have shown the importance of nutritional approach in order to protect the brain health. Here we present the efficacy of a daily administration of a unique complex combination of liposomal omega 3 fatty acids and liposomal antioxidants (cogniXtra) as a neuroprotective treatment on early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mouse model.


Methods: Mice were treated per os once a day with various combinations of liposomal nutrients such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), glutathione (GSH) Curcumin (CUR) and resveratrol (RES) including the special combination cogniXtra (GSH + CUR + RES + DHA) 20 days before and 7 days after the onset of the neurotoxicity induced by a central injection of amyloid-beta 25-35 (Aβ25-35)-oligomeric peptide. Protection against the neurotoxicity of Aβ25-35 was assessed carrying out two behavior tests evaluating short-term memory (Y-maze) and long-term memory (step through passive avoidance test (STPA) and the measurement of a key brain biomarker, lipid peroxidation (LPO).


Results: Our present research demonstrates the importance of a correct association of the different substances as the treatment with each of them alone was unable to provide any protection from the toxic effects produced by Aβ25-35 injection. CogniXtra formulation combining all of the components was the only one able to reverse completely all the memory deficits both in the Y-maze and in the STPA tests and also to completely protect from oxidative stress as demonstrated by the important LPO elevation measured in the hippocampus.


Conclusions: This study indicates that a combination treatment (cogniXtra) administrated for thirty consecutive days produces a complete neuroprotective effect on the neurotoxic effects produced by Aβ25-35 oligomeric peptide injection. The efficacy of a preventive treatment with cogniXtra in this preclinical model is similar to what could be achieved with other pharmacological approaches. These results strongly suggest the therapeutic interest of cogniXtra for the preventive treatment of AD.